Sunday, February 10, 2013

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation vs. Evolution

                Everyone likes to argue about the battle between evolution and creation.  Most people assume that these two views are totally separate, clashing, non-overlapping opinions that each person must choose between.  However, I think both are true, and that they mesh together perfectly.  I think that everything in the Bible can be linked to science, and everything in science can be linked to religion and God.  Alright, maybe you should take a five to ten minute break just to absorb and accept what you think is craziness.  Come back to read the rest of this post whenever you’re ready.

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                Okay, let’s start from the beginning.  The Christian seven-day creation story, and the Big Bang Theory up until now.  First of all, the seven days explained in the Bible are not literal Earth days.  How long has Earth and our specific solar system been around?  Describing time in this strange random sense of our particular system would make no sense.  Therefore, these seven days are very long periods of time, and aren’t even equal amounts of time.

On the first day, God created the earth, Heaven, light and dark.  This directly corresponds to the Big Bang.  Basically, these are two ways of saying the same thing.  The Big Bang was created by God, and it created the earth, Heaven, light and dark.  Easy enough to understand. 

On the second day, God created the sky and the sea.  This corresponds to the ‘scientific’ beginning of our particular planet.  How long ago it happened is irrelevant; it still corresponds.  God created the beginning of our solar system, and created the slow forming of water on the earth and its atmosphere.

On the third day, God created land (earth) and vegetation.  This corresponds to the beginning of life on Earth, and encompasses the evolution of plants and microscopic organisms, arguably in other kingdoms of life, perhaps even the animal kingdom.  However, the Bible is not as strict in its nomenclature, and doesn’t refer to these extremely small animals as ‘animals’ yet.  Anyway, God created life on the third day.

On the fourth day, God created the lights.  The sun was created to govern the day, and the moon was created to govern the night, and the stars were around always, but only visible at night.   Our solar system came into existence.  It’s still all the same thing.  The heat from the sun enabled a much wider range of life to grow than before.

On the fifth day, God created creatures of the sea and sky.  There were great sea monsters and giant winged birds under the sky.  This corresponds with the evolution of previously microscopic life into large organisms that are colloquially called ‘animals.’ 

On the sixth day, God created every kind of land animal, tame animal, and all animals that crawl the ground.  This corresponds with the period of time in which some sea animals came onto the land and eventually adapted into land animals.  Not a big deal; no controversy.  Then God created humans, who had dominion over everything.  Clearly, we do today.  Man gave names to every species of animal and plant, and it took a very long time.  We have named pretty much every plant and animal we know of, have we not? 

On the seventh day, God looked at everything he had created, and found it very good, and decided to have a day of rest.  Has anything happened since then that hasn’t really been mentioned in the creation story? No.  Is it currently the sixth or seventh day?  Nobody really knows; it might be both; what difference does it make?
                Yes, all this was explained very briefly, and without specifics, but I assure you:  No matter what degree of specifics I use, everything will still go together perfectly, because that’s how it is.  I hope that I have maybe enlightened you a bit, or started you on your way.

Finally, Pokemon on iPhone

Finally, Pokemon on iPhone

                A few days ago, on Monday, February 4th, a Jailbreaking team called Evad3rs developed my much coveted untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.  Their website is, for anyone interested.  I planned to wait a few days to make sure they can make any tweaks before I Jailbreak, monitoring CNET to get all the updates.  Between its release on the 4th until two days ago, the 8th, Evad3rs reported that 7 million users had used their new Jailbreak.  Anyway, I held out until yesterday, the 9th, and it was pretty easy to actually Jailbreak the phone.  I just plugged in my iPhone, went to the website, downloaded the software, and followed the instructions.  The whole process took maybe five minutes.  Afterwards, I had Cydia, and everything seemed totally fine. 
                As my primary, if not my only, reason for Jailbreaking was for the ability to play Gameboy Pokemon games on my phone, I immediately searched the internet for how to do this.  This process proved to be MUCH more difficult, particularly because I was interested in a fake game called Pokemon Chaos Black.  It was created by hackers who got into the code for Pokemon Fire Red, and changed a few things to make it more interesting.  First, I had to get a GBA emulator, and the most well-known and well-regarded seemed to be gpSPhone, so I downloaded it.  The toughest thing was that I now needed to find ROMs, which are the actual games that I wanted to play.  Basically, I had the game system, but I needed the games to play.
                Since I was dead set on Chaos Black, I looked all around for it, and couldn’t find a legitimate provider.  All the people on the internet said to use a source called 123Locker, but their ROMs lead to a HTTP 404 Error, meaning that they have been removed, blocked, or just somehow don’t work anymore.  Today, I finally just broke down and downloaded Fire Red to see if that would even work, and I used a different ROM-providing website and got it to work.  Now, I can successfully play Pokemon Fire Red on my iPhone.  Basically, my desire to play Pokemon on my phone has been fulfilled.  However, what I still really want is Pokemon Chaos Black because that’s the only game that I want to play that I can’t obtain any other way.  I will probably just keep trying, and I’ll blog about it if I ever get it to work.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Unavoidable Unfairness

Unavoidable Unfairness

                Sometimes, there’s just no way to make it right, no way to achieve fairness.  For example, take the Super Bowl played tonight.  The Ravens were up huge, 28-6, and absolutely coasting, ready to crap all over the 49ers.  But suddenly, the lights went out.  The game was delayed for 35 minutes, and America waited for these technical difficulties to be fixed, watching their beloved commercials.  When the lights finally came back on, play resumed.  However, the Ravens’ momentum was totally lost.  San Francisco came roaring back, eventually closing in on a two-point gap, 31-29.  Baltimore scored a field goal, thus raising their lead to five.  They had possession in the closing minute of the game, and on fourth down had their punter catch the ball and just run around to burn as much time as possible before allowing himself to be tackled down in the endzone for a safety with four seconds to play.
                The Ravens kicked off, and tackled the receiver, winning the game.  However, they were a whisper away from blowing their 22-point lead before the power outage.  Would the same thing have happened if the lights had never gone out?  Probably not.  Almost definitely not.  Probably, the 49ers would have done a little better for the rest of the game, but the Ravens would have still won in a quite lopsided victory.  I’m happy that the Ravens still ended up winning the game, and I will admit that I wanted them to win anyway.  But, the bigger and more important reason is because if they had lost, it probably would have been because of the power outage during the third quarter.  As unfair as that would have been, would there have been any better way to restore the exact amount of momentum and the exact conditions that were present 35 minutes before?  No, there wouldn’t have. 
                Sometimes, these kinds of situations occur.  Random things happen, and they disrupt events enough to change the outcome.  But, these situations cannot be reversed, and there is absolutely no possible way to return the situation to its former condition.  Therefore, it is very easy to argue that these types of things must be prevented as well as possible, but there is no way to prevent against everything.  What should we do when something like this happens?  There isn’t really a fair thing to do, except to just continue where the situation left off.  And that’s exactly what they did.  It could also be argued that if the Ravens couldn’t have overcome the 49ers’ comeback, then they didn’t deserve to win the Super Bowl.  Sometimes, there’s just no way to make it right.

Meme Extreme

Meme Extreme

                Memes are great.  The first time I really encountered memes in volume in what I call the ‘meme-era’ was on a Facebook page called “Hello, welcome to the Pokemon Centre!” - *rapes A button*.  Basically, the title of the page is a hilarious matter that everyone who plays Pokemon games can relate to.  The guy who runs the page is a student of some sort, and often apologizes for his lack of posts due to being very busy lately with his studies.  Anyway, he uses pictures from in-game scenes or from the show, and puts words, usually something sarcastic that only someone who plays or played the game understands, and then puts it on the page.  He also uses material that he gets from people that like his page, who send this material to him, and he posts it, giving them credit.  Click here for an example of a meme from the page.
                The first time I looked at this page, I went through every single post on it, and was falling out of my chair laughing at every single one.  They all made sense to me, and I could appreciate all the humor, as I was an avid Pokemon player when I was younger.  Heck, I still play once in a while.  I loved these photos dubbed “memes,” and soon afterwards I saw them being posted by all kinds of pages all over Facebook, and then all over Google, and then all over the entire internet.  The concept is great, and memes are really funny.  However, the rate at which they are produced and shown is obscene.  In fact, nowadays when I see a meme, I understand and appreciate it, but I don’t laugh, because they are just too common.  Now, the very best ones will only make me smile.  Nothing near as funny as that day that I stumbled upon that amazing Pokemon page.
                I think that in today’s world of instantaneous interaction through technology, things are totally blown out of proportion, everybody talks about it, and there is simply no time for the whole process of the material’s growth to occur.  It’s like for every story that I hear on the news or on the internet, I am so ridiculously tired of it after a couple days that I can’t stand hearing about it anymore.  I think that memes, an ingenious, novel innovation of creativity, have been slighted by this new rate of technology.  They don’t have nearly the effect that they would have had even a couple of years ago.  It really disappoints me.  I wish I could still fall out of my chair laughing every time I see a good meme.