Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Truck

My Truck

                I was driving with my sister in the car to our first band competition of the season, totally excited and ready to go.  It was a little before seven o’ clock in the morning, and dew was plastered all over my beautiful black 1990 Nissan truck.  I turned on the windshield wipers to get it off, but it stayed fogged up as a result of our warm breath condensing on the inside of the car.  I pulled out of the driveway, and the brilliant sun was directly in line with my path down the street, going through the micro-droplets on the windshield, making it very hard to see.  I started down the road.  The thought just started going through my mind:  “I hope nothing’s in the w-” BOOM.  I had totally missed the giant white trailer right in front of me, and smashed right into it at about twenty miles per hour. 
                My truck is now sitting in the driveway, a few weeks later, with its front totally crushed in.  The coolant tank evidently was punctured in the crash, and the bluish-green coolant juice spilled all over the concrete, making a glowing green stain.  The truck was my first car, and I really loved it, despite its age and bumpiness.  I actually almost started crying in my dad’s car on the way to school in preparation for the band competition.  I still cringe every time I go out the front door and see the bashed-in face of my truck.
                The even worse part is that the guy that we bought the truck from loves the truck even more than I do, and he came over to our house to look at it, and I felt absolutely terrible.  It was his dad’s truck, who lived in Texas on a cattle farm.  He bought it back from us and is going to have it fixed up again (it has already been in multiple wrecks), but it is currently still sitting in our driveway. 
                No matter what kind of new nice cars I get throughout my life, there will always be a place in my heart for my truck, and I think I will probably eventually buy another one that is just like it.  I don’t know why I can get so attached to something like a car, but I guess it’s just because I really care for my possessions.  My parents bought me a bright blue Mazda 3, and if anything can adequately replace my truck, that’s it. :)

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