Global Warming? Bring It.
is my birthday, and eight days later is Christmas. I can only recall one other year in which
there was no snow on the ground on my birthday and Christmas. I don’t remember what year it was, but I
would say it was within the last six or seven years, and the only reason I remember
it was because I remember thinking about it while walking up to my grandma’s
house on either my birthday or Christmas, and seeing the bushes with all their
leaves gone, just a bunch of twigs, but there was no snow. It just doesn’t feel right! Maybe, by some miracle of God, it will just
snow like crazy tonight, or even just sometime between now and Christmas. Usually, by now, I would have skied with my
dad multiple times, but obviously that hasn’t worked out so far this year. Hopefully the long delay of snow will result
in a long delay in the stoppage of
snow in April or even May… Anyway, I’m going to check the weather real quick…..
Well, I
guess there won’t be any snow tomorrow, but it looks like we may get 3-6 inches
on Wednesday night, December 19.
However, I will be in Chicago then, so hopefully we’ll get some there
too. By the way, for anyone that doesn’t
know, I live in Iowa, which is right in the middle of the largest humid
temperate climate area in the world.
That means that it gets really hot in the summer, like, in the 100°s,
and it gets really cold in the winter, like, -10°, -40° with windchill. Quite obviously, I’m talking Fahrenheit. Except for the -40°, that works either way :)
attributing this alternation of very early and very late snowfalls from year to
year to global warming. Whether global
warming and the greenhouse effect is man-made or not, it’s happening, and it
doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. In case you don’t know very much about global
warming, I’ll educate you a little bit.
First of all, what is going on right now, is that the temperatures all
over the world are rising every year, and it’s getting hotter and hotter, which
causes all kinds of crazy weather patterns, more violent storms, droughts, and
all kinds of other ecological problems and disasters. You may assume that the earth will just keep
getting hotter and hotter, but this is not the case. After a while, as the ice caps melt, the
ocean currents, which are run by temperature, will stop. After this occurs, there will be no
regulation of temperature by the oceans, and we will go into another ice
age. So really, the end effect of global
‘warming’ is another ice age. I actually
think that will be kind of cool. I’m
obviously assuming that it’s going to happen, and since it is, I would kind of
like to see it happen within my lifetime.
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