Sunday, January 27, 2013

Freezing Rain Straight from Heaven

Freezing Rain Straight from Heaven

                Last night, we had a considerable amount of freezing rain, with the temperature today hanging right around 32°F (0°C) so that the rainwater keeps freezing and melting to form a slick, flat ice layer covering everything from the sidewalk, the driveway, the grass and the streets.  All the adults hate these kinds of conditions, as their brains are fully developed and they can accurately judge the amount of danger created for driving.  However, children and teenagers like me love these conditions, because we like driving in them, and there is a possibility of a two-hour delay or no school.
                As I normally start school at 7:00 AM, a two-hour delay would be absolutely delightful, because I stay up too late as it is and thus don’t get enough sleep.  Two extra hours of sleep would be absolutely invigorating, and I would be totally ready for the day.  Also, two-hour delays have some advantages over snow days, because we don’t have to make them up.  If we are going to get to wake up later anyway, then we might as well just have a shortened day, because the worst part of school by far is just waking up so early in the morning.
                Some people whine about snow days because we will probably have to make them up at the end of the school year in June.  However, I disagree with this poor attitude, because time is relative, and one extra day on the end of the year will have virtually no effect on us, and we won’t notice it.  On the other hand, being able to sleep in and screw around all day on a random day in the middle of the year because of bad weather is a well-needed break, so I am all for snow days, whether we need to make them up at the end of the year or not.
                We’ve only had one snow day this year, and it was on a day that I was missing school anyway, so it’s kind of depressing.  We were originally scheduled to make up that snow day on last Monday, but as the superintendent overlooked the fact that it was Martin Luther King Day and as a result received many disapproving phone calls from the NAACP and the Black community, it was moved to some random other in-service day in February.  Needless to say, I am really looking forward to a two-hour delay or school cancellation tomorrow, but I’m not too optimistic, so I have already done most of my homework that’s due tomorrow.

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